
Platform Rekrutmen Kerja di Jepang No. 1 di Indonesia

Bekerja sama dengan 50+ klien perusahaan Jepang untuk proses rekrutmen posisi IT & Teknik khusus pelamar dari Indonesia, 100% gratis tanpa biaya. 

Full Time
Prefektur Saitama
Posted 6 months ago

Perusahaan klien kami sedang mencari staf untuk posisi Manufacturing Technician for Chiller dengan detail sebagai berikut.


Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- One of part of manufacturing process for ATS Chiller.
- Modify the electrical cables . 
- Assemble and connect between each components or sub-assemblies in the chiller.
- Is supposed ove to another group working for finishing and packaging in the futu.

Lokasi Penempatan
Misato, Saitama

- Berusia dibawah 35 tahun
- Laki-laki lebih disukai
- Fresh graduate dipersilakan melamar
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (pengalaman di bidang mesin atau elektro lebih disukai)
- English: Setara TOEIC > 500 / Jepang: JLPT > N3
- Std PC Skill - Email, Ms. Office (Word, Excel, PPT)

Gaji Bulanan: ¥200,000  
Gaji Tahunan: ¥2,800,000 termasuk bonus

Gaji pokok, biaya transportasi, gaji lembur, seragam, asuransi (full cover), tunjangan akomodasi (terbatas waktu 5 tahun) - 50% dari biaya akomodasi (Max: ¥30,000).

Job Application Master

Maximum file size: 10MB

Job Features

Job Category


Perusahaan klien kami sedang mencari staf untuk posisi Manufacturing Technician for Chiller dengan detail sebagai berikut. ■ PosisiFull-time ■ Deskripsi Pekerjaan– One of part of manufacturi...

Full Time
Prefektur Kanagawa, Prefektur Kyoto
Posted 6 months ago

Tertarik untuk bekerja di hotel? Yuk jadi Hospitality Staff di salah satu hotel bergengsi di Jepang.


Lokasi Penempatan
Kanagawa, Shizuoka, atau Kyoto

- Beginner / fresh graduates are welcome
- Japanese level: N2
- Good Japanese speaking
- Communication skill
◎ Shift Work 8 hours a day)

Basic Salary ¥200,000 / month

Job Application Master

Maximum file size: 10MB

Job Features

Job Category


Tertarik untuk bekerja di hotel? Yuk jadi Hospitality Staff di salah satu hotel bergengsi di Jepang. ■ PosisiFull-time ■ Lokasi PenempatanKanagawa, Shizuoka, atau Kyoto ■ Persyaratan– Begi...

Full Time
Prefektur Chiba, Prefektur Kanagawa, Prefektur Saitama, Tokyo Metropolis
Posted 9 months ago

■ Working Place
☆Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama☆

■ Job Description
(1) Planning and distributing store management policy (store meeting)
(2) Crew (part-time) recruitment, shift management, staffing, and human resource development Education and training system (soon after having joined the company, you will learn about the operations thoroughly)
▼Induction training will be conducted for 45 days at the store. You will learn the basics of customer service, cooking, and management through a mixture of classroom learning and practical application.

[Future career path] Step up from a manager trainee → assistant manager → senior assistant manager → store manager. There is no discrimination such as age, gender, nationality, or ethnicity. After being promoted to store manager, the path to supervisor or other specialized departments is open to you. There are many store managers and supervisors in their 20s! 

- [Restaurant Manager/Store Manager (RM)] Theoretical annual income ranges from 4.1 million to 5.5 million JPY. Monthly salary 280,000 JPY to 360,000 JPY + bonus (twice a year) + various allowances 
- [Senior Assistant Manager/Acting Store Manager class (SAM)] Monthly salary 240,000 JPY + bonus (twice a year) + various allowances 
- [Assistant Manager (AM)] Monthly salary 230,000 JPY + bonus (twice a year) + various allowances 
- [Manager Trainee (MT)] Monthly salary 220,000 JPY + bonus (twice a year) + various allowances 

*1. Will be decided and considered based on the salary of the previous job, experience, abilities, skills, etc.
*2. Deemed overtime: 
- For Restaurant Manager, it’s included in 30 hours, more than this will be paid in one-minute basis 
- For Senior Assistant Manager/Acting Store Manager class (SAM), the most recent actual payment amount is 260,000 JPY to 280,000 JPY on average
- For Assistant Manager (AM), the most recent actual payment amount is 250,000 JPY to 270,000 JPY
-For Manager Trainee (MT), the most recent actual payment amount is 230,000 JPY to 250,000 JPY

・Special allowance: in case of managing multiple stores, special allowance will be paid in the range of 15,000 JPY to 45,000 JPY *Payment terms and conditions apply 
・Special bonus of 100,000 JPY (will be paid to those who have been promoted to be store managers within 6 months after joining the company) 

Working Hours 
8 hours of actual work between 07:00 and 22:00 *60 minutes break 
2 days off per week (9 days/month/shift) *February 8th *Saturdays and Sundays are possible to have day off 
- Paid vacation (10 days granted after 6 months of employment) 
- Special leave (sick leave, transfer leave, condolence leave) 
- Before and after giving birth leave, childcare leave, nursing care leave 

- Uniform rental
- Company house 
- Support for acquiring qualifications (food sanitation manager, fire prevention/disaster prevention manager, etc.) 

Application Requirement
- Have JLPT N2
- Fresh Graduate 2023 Only

Selection Process 
Conducting interview twice, and deciding whether the candidate pass or fail

Job Application Master

Maximum file size: 10MB

Job Features

Job Category


■ Working Place☆Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama☆ ■ Job Description(1) Planning and distributing store management policy (store meeting)(2) Crew (part-time) recruitment, shift management, staff...

Belum menemukan posisi yang cocok?

Tenang aja, kamu bisa ikut program Job Matching kami. Caranya gampang, cukup isi form pendaftaran dan drop CV kamu dengan klik tombol di bawah ini.

Jika nanti ada lowongan yang cocok, kamu akan segera dihubungi oleh tim kami.

Kenapa harus ikut Rekrutmen Kerja di KapanJepan?

Pendaftaran Gratis

Proses rekrutmen, mulai dari screening CV hingga interview oleh klien, tidak dipungut biaya sepeserpun.


Proses rekrutmen ditangani oleh staf kami yang berpengalaman selama lebih dari 10 tahun.


Para staf rekrutmen dapat berbicara secara bilingual, baik bahasa Indonesia, Jepang, maupun Inggris.


Rekrutmen kerja terfokus pada posisi di bidang IT dan Teknik, seperti AI Engineer, Project Manager, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, dll.

Berpartner dengan Banyak Perusahaan Jepang

Bekerja sama dengan banyak klien perusahaan Jepang, baik perusahaan Unicorn maupun start-up yang berbasis di Jepang.


KapanJepan diinisiasi oleh Career Diversity Inc., perusahaan di bidang Staffing & Recruitment asal Jepang. Klik disini untuk informasi lebih detail tentang perusahaan.

Program rekrutmen kami 100% tidak dipungut biaya. Namun, kami juga menyediakan layanan berbayar bagi kamu yang butuh mentoring atau persiapan CV/wawancara.

Raih mimpimu bersama KapanJepan

Mufi Ahdallah

Software Engineer di Komatsu Kaihatsu Co., Ltd.​

Berkat KapanJepan, saya bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan impian saya, saya benar-benar di-support dari NOL. Bahkan setelah bekerja pun, saya masih sering ngobrol dan mendapatkan banyak nasehat dari mentor saya. I really appreciate it, terima kasih KapanJepan!

Geraldo Giovanni​

Power Generator Testing Engineer di Value Base Co., Ltd.​

KapanJepan memfasilitasi pembelajaran bahasa Jepang dari dasar hingga lulus JLPT N3 dan mampu berbahasa Jepang. KapanJepan juga membantu saya untuk bekerja di Jepang dengan program Job Matching, serta konsultasi CV & praktek wawancara. Saya sangat beruntung bisa mengenal KapanJepan.

Pilih layanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kamu

Review CV

Dapatkan feedback lengkap dari proofreader andalan kami.
Rp200.000 Rp150.000
  • 1 CV (up to 5 pages)
  • 1x Comprehensive Feedback
  • 3x Minor Revision
  • CV Consultation via Chat

Career Mentoring

1-on-1 mentoring dengan mentor yang berpengalaman.
Rp300.000 Rp199.000
  • 60 Minutes/Session
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Zoom Call
  • Personalized Recommendation